Beautifully captured, timeless photography with effortless, soulful creativity...

Documentary & fine art WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER



your very own authentic love story in the MOST beautiful, natural style

It’s my ultimate goal to make sure you have your very own authentic love story presented in the MOST beautiful, natural style. This is YOUR day and I want you to enjoy every single emotional, intoxicating moment to its fullest.

Not only this but lets make sure its super easy too! I'm with you every step of the way. They’ll be no stuffy, awkward incidents and absolutely no embarrassing poses. Just you two being yourselves and me being ‘that lovely friend’ who can guide you through it all in the most chilled out vibe possible.

I shoot a mixture of documentary & creative fine art portraits. Meaning that you get the best of both. A real life story of your incredible day mixed with fabulous, creative works of art that you’d be proud to show off forever. My background in fashion photography and art direction means that you wont even have to try! 

“each photo is a beautiful representation of our love & joy...”

Gabby & Ben

Creating your
emotional narrative

Hi, I'm Teri

With a background in art direction & design I've worked alongside some of the worlds top photographers & creative heads. Building up over 20 years experience shooting around the globe to end up where I am now, in the South of the UK doing what I love the best - creating lasting memories for the legacies of couples in love. Being your very own story teller & forging wonderful friendships along the way...

Not only are her quality of photos beautiful but she also brings out THE BEST IN EVERYONE.

—  GEMMA, 2021 BRIDE